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Craig Shapiro
May 19, 20246 min read
Demystifying SEL
SEL, or as it's commonly known, Social and Emotional Learning, has had an awakening. It's about time! You see, I've been teaching SEL...

Mandy Froehlich
Dec 22, 20235 min read
Countdown of the Top 10 Most Read Blogs of 2023
At EduMatch, we have strived to keep our articles relevant and timely. Our contributors are amazing educators who delight in sharing...

Kelli Bhari
Apr 8, 20235 min read
Building Strong Sense of Self Strategies for Teachers to Help Students Build Self-Awareness and Confidence
By Kellie Bahri A strong sense of self is the building block of success in all areas of life. Students who have a strong sense of self...

Zach Rondot
May 17, 20224 min read
Connect Your Students to the World with The Expert Expedition
A Classroom Companion In 2021, Grayson McKinney and Zach Rondot released a book for educators called The Expert Effect, dedicated to...

Ekuwah [Mends] Moses
May 13, 20225 min read
FAQ: Ask the Nonfiction Picture Book Author
Who is Ekuwah Mends Moses, the author? I am a Black woman who was raised in a bicultural family. My creative work is rooted in preserving...

Rachelle Dene Poth
May 6, 20224 min read
Empowering students through choice and voice in learning
Student choice and voice in learning are essential. We need to explore new ideas and tools that will help our students develop a variety...

Dr. Nick Sutton
Apr 6, 20222 min read
What exactly is an Advisory Period?
The topic of advisory periods in a master schedule at a junior high or high school is a topic that I have seen come up so many times. I...

Dr. Kevin Leichtman
Mar 4, 20223 min read
A New Question to Ask
It isn’t always about the questions we ask. Sometimes, it is more important to consider HOW we are asking it. The way we frame our...

Rachelle Dene Poth
Feb 4, 20224 min read
Building SEL and skills for the future
As educators consider the best ways that we can prepare our students for the future, we need to make sure that we focus on the mental...

Dr. Ilene Winokur
Jan 15, 20226 min read
Belonging and PBL for Language Learners
Creating an Inclusive Classroom with Belonging Imagine that you traveled to a country where the people didn’t speak English. How would...

Kristen Koppers
Aug 16, 20213 min read
A New School Year Brings New Explorations
The summer has come and gone. In just a few short weeks, many teachers will be returning to their classrooms to prepare for the school...

Barbara Gruener
Jul 23, 20215 min read
Connecting With Mr. Quigley’s Keys
When I think about it now, I can't remember if it was a decade or a dozen years ago, but I can so clearly feel that moment when my...

Alexes Terry
Jun 20, 20216 min read
Getting my students to show up
As we approached the end of the fall semester, I have been in reflection mode, thinking about what worked and what did not work, not only...

Dr. Kevin Leichtman
Jun 13, 20213 min read
Raising the Perfect Child
What if I gave you the secret recipe for raising the perfect child? Would you be in? Are you curious to know how it could be...

Cindy Wong
May 29, 20213 min read
Sweet Moment of Success through Perseverance
Can you remember that sweet moment of success after attempting to figure it out over many painful hours? You just want to wave that white...

Barbara Gruener
May 20, 20215 min read
What’s In A Name?
Today as I think about what’s in a name, I’m recalling a scene from the Hallmark movie Crown For Christmas starring Danica McKellar. When...

Noa Daniel
May 4, 20216 min read
Strum and The Wild Turkeys: The Origin Story
It was August of 2019, and I was feverishly working on my TEDxKitchenerEd Talk. It was a bucket list item for me to do a TED Talk, and...

Melody McAllister
Mar 30, 20214 min read
The Algorithm of Apologies
Today as I introduced my youngest two girls, second grade and kindergarten, to the words and world of coding. We focused on algorithms,...

Dr. Ilene Winokur
Mar 17, 20214 min read
Maslow's Hierarchy: Fact and Fiction
Guess what? Abraham Maslow didn’t create a pyramid to symbolize the hierarchy of needs because he didn’t believe the needs were linear...

Craig Shapiro
Mar 2, 20213 min read
Think of the Finish as the Start
Okay, I know it's March! But based on lots of experience with students and working with colleagues, it's never too early to focus on...
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