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Dr. Ilene Winokur
Jan 15, 20226 min read
Belonging and PBL for Language Learners
Creating an Inclusive Classroom with Belonging Imagine that you traveled to a country where the people didn’t speak English. How would...

Dr. Ilene Winokur
Dec 8, 20214 min read
Self-belonging for Educators: Learning F.LY. (First, Love Yourself) and then S.O.A.R.!
Have you ever had the feeling that you weren’t as skilled as other teachers you work with? Maybe you thought they had more experience...

Dr. Ilene Winokur
Nov 9, 20214 min read
Journey to Belonging: Pathways to Well-Being
"The trance of unworthiness keeps the sweetness of belonging out of reach. The path to ‘the sweetness of belonging,’ is acceptance -...
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